Orange Transfer Prices
from home to airport or airport to home (maximum waiting time is 120 minutes)
Szeged - Liszt Ferenc airport, or Liszt Ferenc Airport - Szeged
1 person 9700 Ft
2 person 17800 Ft
3 person 25800 Ft
4 person 33200 Ft
5 person 38700 Ft
6 person 45400 Ft
7 person 51700 Ft
8 person 58800 Ft
Green Transfer Prices
from home to airport or airport to home (maxinmum waiting time is 30 minutes)
Szeged - Liszt Ferenc airport, or Liszt Ferenc airport - Szeged
1 person 12600 Ft
2 person 21800 Ft
3 person 29800 Ft
4 person 37800 Ft
5 person 42800 Ft
6 person 47500 Ft
7 person 53400 Ft
8 person 58800 Ft
VIP prices
Home to airport or airport to home
with no waiting time.
Szeged or Kecskemét - Liszt Ferenc airport between
Liszt Ferenc airport- Szeged or Kecskemét between
1-3 person 38700 Ft / way / car
1-8 person 58800 Ft / way / minibus
VIP+ prices
Home to airport or airport to home
with no waiting time. The car isn't older, than 3 years.
Szeged or Kecskemét - Liszt Ferenc airport between
Liszt Ferenc airport - Szeged or Kecskemét between
This is not available now. :(
Another services
Normal package quantity max 1 small (10 kg) and one large (30 kg) suitcase per passenger.
In addition, surcharge in case of pre-order:
1 small suitcase (10 kg): 1,000 HUF
1 large suitcase (30 kg): 2,000 HUF
An additional 50% surcharge without prior notice.
The first modification is free, but the second or after you need to pay 1000 Ft/modification.
Name board +3500 Ft
Pick up from premium parking +2000 Ft
For flights arriving after 00:20 in the morning, we count a 6000 forint additional charge.
BUD-Szeged between 00.20 és 04.00
Szeged-BUD between 23.00-01.50
You can change your order however you may be required to pay a 1000 HUF handling fee.
We travel between Szeged and Budapest. If you would like travel another city, than we count extra drop of fee.
If you have another question about prices please complete this
In case you book the transfer 72 hours before the departure time, we count a 30% extra charge.